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Let’s Get Together

Disfruta de una variedad de servicios en nuestro Centro de Kitesurf. Desde alquileres a clases personalizadas, puedes encontrar todo lo que necesitas para disfrutar de forma segura de tu tiempo en el agua. Solo asegúrate de reservar con anticipación. Te esperamos en Pura Vida Mallorca.

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Asignar a cada estudiante un instructor experimentado y profesional es el primer paso que damos para ayudar a los alumnos a alcanzar sus objetivos de navegación. Haz clic a continuación para ver las diferentes opciones y descubrir cómo Pura Vida Mallorca puede alegrarte el día de hoy.


Pura Vida Mallorca es mucho más que una increíble Tienda y Escuela de deporte náutico. El éxito de un día increíble se basa en gran medida en tener un gran equipo para alquilar, nosotros nos encargamos de todo lo que necesitas, ¡solo trae tu bañador!

Unleash Your Adventurous Spirit: Exploring the Thrills of Kitesurfing in Mallorca

 Are you ready to elevate your beach experience? Say hello to kitesurfing—a mix of wind, water, and sheer thrill. And what could be a more welcoming spot than the tropical haven of Mallorca? 

Let's explore the thrills of kite surfing and then discuss the growing phenomenon that has earned its spot in extreme sports and thrill-seekers’ hearts, and then we will talk about why is Mallorca the nearly perfect venue for the sport. 

The Allure of Kitesurfing, or kiteboarding, is a highly dynamic water sport where, by utilizing power kites on the water, a person controls themself on boards they’re being pulled on as they dive their kites through the air and the sea at fantastic speeds. Kiting over the sea attracts a new excitement level with riders seeking extreme sports.

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Why Mallorca? 


As it turns out, kiteboarding/kitesurfing is a delicacy in Mallorca due to its clean waters, various coastlines, and the wind conditions that draw many kite levels. Whether you’ve been ripping turf for a long or have just recently finished with kiteboarding school, Mallorca offers excellent winds and a journey across the waves. 


Wind Conditions 


The first argument for remaining is that Mallorca delivers excellent kite surfing riding. It, in reality, primarily comprises good wind exposure. Mainly, the island obtains regular thermal wind and water conditions, especially during the summer months even though we kite all year long in Pura Vida Mallorca. The island’s wind follows from the northeast. During the summer the wind is a nice and gentle thermal wind ranging from 15kts most days. 


During the winter months the wind comes from all directions and we in Pura Vida Mallorca move around the island to catch the best winds at the best spots, reaching stronger winds that range from 20 to 30kts, which makes a good kite experience! 

Scenic Beauty Mallorca, in addition to its excellent wind-pattern conditions, attracts itself with great sightseeing. Discreet coves and deserted beaches, water that extends over the rocky bay with a turquoise tint; everything draws a magnificent picture. It’s like kating in a postcard – the azure waves unfold out as the imposing mountains loom up into the sky while the sun pours on the horizon. 


Variety of Kite Surf Spots in Mallorca offers numerous kite surf spots that are entirely perfect for different riders’ levels. Alcudia Bay is a specially useful spot for novice riders owing to its gentle and constant winds and long, shallow waters.

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